According to Boland (2005), the phrase “post-modern,” coined by Arnold Toynbee in 1954, describes society’s decline since the end of World War II.  As a critical theory rooted in incredulity, its hallmark remains “deconstruction” or the purging of underling myths in every account and fiercely seeks to eliminate all “clandestinely” crafted presuppositions. Tragically post-moderns locate truth by casting doubt on a variety of longstanding beliefs or “metanarratives.”  No discipline or pursuit escapes its skepticism.  Religion, philosophy, economics, and even venerable science shudder beneath its suspicion.  This philosophy has led to the massive “disequilibria” (p. 122) and current state of flux in which we find ourselves.

Mainstreamed, institutionalized cynicism has cost.  Not only has it fragmented the academic world, it has bred systemic confusion in society as a whole.  Boland asserts that in this postmodern age “self and identity are being transformed” (2005, p. 130).  Stability dissolves under its withering attack; common beliefs and conventional profiles evaporate; and unpredictability and ambiguity rule the day.

Christians lament this societal implosion and departure from established traditions which make agreement and unity an impossibility (Amos 3:3).   One Old Testament prophet grieved over this biliousness condition when he indicted the leaders, “because with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous sad…and strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising him life” (Ezekiel 13:22).  Ezekiel’s discerning eye saw that at the core of this philosophy existed the desire to avoid the sinner’s “return from his wicked way.”  The devil’s modus operandi remains to destroy (John 10:10) through lies and deceit (John 8:44).  Perhaps it was for this very reason Paul warned the New Testament believer to “beware of philosophy” (Col. 2:8).    A philosopher merely “loves wisdom,” however; there exists a wisdom that “descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish” (James 3:14) and correspondingly breeds division and chaos (James 3:14,16).  Apparently, postmodernism illustrates that “devilish” wisdom and there remains a wisdom that merits an ardent pursuit (Proverbs 9:10).

Works Cited

Bloland, H. G. (2005). Whatever Happened to Postmodernism in Higher Education?: No Requiem in the New Millennium. Journal of Higher Education, 76(2), 121-150.